Friday, August 15, 2014

Pokemon Could Have Ended 14 Years Ago


According to Tsunekazu Ishihara, the president of the Pokemon Company, Pokemon Gold and Silver were actually intended to serve as the final entries in the Pokemon franchise.  This is why the game allows the player to travel between Johto (the region introduced in the new games) and Kanto (the region from the old games) it gives the player to have a new experience while also being able to say one final goodbye to the original games.  Of course this happened...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mighty Morphin Raiders of the Lost Ark

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.

Anybody who knows anything about cinema knows that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is one of if not the greatest achievements in American cinema.  I couldn't even say that with a straight face.  The movie is awful, but that doesn't stop it from holding an incredibly special spot in my heart.

Many of you will remember Ivan Ooze, the main antagonist or "bad guy" in the movie.  He's so bad that even Rita and Zedd are frightened of him.  Capable of making crow monsters from snot, destroying inter-dimensional beings while playing a flute, and an oddly dedicated fan of the Brady Bunch, Mr. Ooze is bad news.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Don't Wanna Grow Up, I'm a Toys "R" Kid!

Nothing exudes nostalgia quite like Toys "R" Us.  I'm an adult now, but every time I walk into my local store I am instantly hit with a wave of memories.  The individual toys themselves have changed, but there are still Star Wars actions figures, Lego sets and of course, Pokemon cards.  It's amazing to me that many of the brands of toys I loved as a kid are still going strong.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Star Trek's Most Resiliant Redshirt: James Doohan

Paramount Pictures

Any fan of the original Star Trek knows that the minute a crewman wearing a red shirt is tasked with accompanying an away team to the surface of planet, somebody is about to die.  It was so common for "redshirts" to buy the farm it has since becoming a running joke.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mighty Morphin' (Gender Confused) Power Rangers

Power Rangers was an essential staple in the 90s kid's lineup of television shows he or she watched regularly.  Of course I look back on the show now and I chuckle at how I was constantly surprised by what happened on the show.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Harry Potter and the Bizarre Bezoar

Warner Bros. Studio

Any wizard or witch worth his or her weight their salt knows that if their friend has just been poisoned by a potion the best thing in the world you can do for them is to shove a bezoar down their throat.  For heaven's sake even first years at the world-renowned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft of Wizardry know that.  Of course, the only reason that I, as a non-magical person (muggle) know this is thanks to J.K. Rowling's fascinating seven-part biography of one of the Wizarding World's most honored figures, Harry Potter.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Ballad of Rocket Raccoon

With so many fun and interesting characters in Marvel's newest film Guardians of the Galaxy, it's hard to choose a favorite.  For me, I love anything that makes me want to hug it despite its  potty mouth, so my choice for favorite is Rocket Raccoon.  A genetically and cybernetically enhanced raccoon in the film, Rocket is a wholly unique character.